
É•clat, as the name describes is a “brilliant display” of awesomeness. At É•clat we want to bring you beautiful things that rides on the trends, taste and style of fashionistas.

É•clat was born out of passion and inquisitiveness by a twenty something gal who had all the ideas for fashionistas. Even with the bubbling ideas, she struggled to find a medium to parlay her creativity until she met her friend and enemy, a 3D printer.

It is a friend to her because it lets her express her creativity but a daring enemy when the technology in itself is unforgiving. Not to worry, the tech savvy girl spent all her nights fighting with it and now they have come to an amicable agreement that it will print whatever she asks for!

and soon she was giving people customized cuties.
And one fine morning, she realized that her creativity needed a mightier friend. She found that friend in Shapeways.

Shapeways upped her ante requiring her to learn different design tools. But it pushed her envelope even further - she can bring her ideas and creativity to life in a very short span of time. Over a period of time, she learned to mix her creativity with customer wants making it a unique product.
Her products now add value to other peoples’ lives and brings that little smile in their face. She couldn’t have asked for more!

P.S É•clat is run from a house that is only 800 square feet, providing the world with wonderful and brilliant 3D items that are like no other!