Using Shapeways as production backend (e.g., without any interaction with end customer)

Discussion in 'Shapeways API' started by 340644_deleted, May 2, 2013.

  1. Hi,

    Currently, the Shapeways API seems to be aiming at automating uploads of models and putting it into a basket. However, we would like to have API functionality for ordering, paying and shipping as well. Actually, I thought the whole point of a Shapeway API would be allowing external parties to develop applications that use Shapeways as producer but providing a better user experience (that is, without using the Shapeways webinterface altogether).

    Is there any chance on supporting the following features soon?
    [list type=square]
    [*] Sign in without end customers having to login (with a shapeways account)
    [*] Ordering automatically (using external app's payment account details)
    [*] Defining shipment details (same or different for each model)

    Last edited: May 2, 2013
  2. FabMeJewelry
    FabMeJewelry Member
    We want the same thing here, thanks for bringing it up @martiman.

    At the moment we're using the shapeways widget but that is only 10% of what we want :

    Any more shop owners that are looking for this ?