Road To Major Fud Improvements Starts With Repricing

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Andrewsimonthomas, May 9, 2017.

  1. 1068084_deleted
    1068084_deleted Active Member
    "The intent is to offer the user set orientation tool quickly. That said the team is pretty tired so were going to take a break over the US memorial holidays and then get back into it next week."

    It should not have been made before the price change and not while?
  2. RolandR
    RolandR Member
    The "parts are automatically rotated for the cheapest price" thing seems to be a bit funky right now.

    The part in my screenshot has been rotated in a way that will fill the entire tub-shaped body with support material, have it floating in the air (or rather, more expensive support material) for no reason, and make it higher in machine space.

    PS: I am very happy with the pricing changes. This makes a lot more sense than previously, and all my models dropped in price.

    Edit: PPS: It's a bit silly how many people are complaining that their 50+ parts files increased in price.
    You were the reason that the rest of us paid too much in the past!
    Somebody will have to sort and clean and package and check and not lose a myriad of individual parts for you, and you think you should be charged the same as people who only have one or two parts per file?
    Model_Monkey likes this.
  3. AlanHudson
    AlanHudson Shapeways Employee Dev Team
    Can I get a link or the name of that model and we'll review it. Also remember if there are other parts in the file then a single model might not have the least support material as it calculates the least support orientation for all parts in an upload. I can't tell if this is from a single part upload or a multipart.

  4. ETS35
    ETS35 Well-Known Member
    I've checked and SW seems to have messed up a lot of my markups! (to about 100% of the printing costs).This issue explained part of my worries. After correcting (lowering) these to my standard percentage I get this:

    Set 1: €94.61 to €131.61 (because of separate parts!)
    Set 1 (changed for new rules) €87,87 (one sprue)
    Set 2A: €63.37 to €88.56
    Set 2B: €65.72 to €101.19 (note the sudden difference with 2A)
    Set 3: €25.80 to €18.25
    Set 4: €16.21 to €20.95
    Set 5A: €36.83 to €53.21
    Set 5B: €39.86 to €60.62
    Set 5C: €41.20 to €62.21

    Most basic combination has gone up from €183.78 to €194,68 (€238,42 with the old Set 1). By lowering the markup I might push it back to the (overall) original prices.
    Most complete/extensive combination has gone up from.€243,54 to €290,47. I'll probably only sell those when Shapeways has one of its discounts.

    Set 5A-C can be lowered in price a bit by reducing the number of parts, but it's the machine volume that is messing things up. I probably need to break up some parts to reduce the height. This is far less of an option with Set 2A-B since changing the cylinders will have a dramatic influence on the quality of those parts (frosting and stepping). The same applies to a number of larger items: lower costs at the expense of quality.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  5. TonyRR
    TonyRR Well-Known Member


    I'm experiencing problems at my shop 308 Bits.
    Some combos of parts now have a zero markup, others some cents. Some products have no markup...
    Most of them seems to keep the markup but there's a problem.

    Also I've seen that all the products with multiple parts in it have increased the price twice...
    I've a lot of products with multiple parts on them.
    I've created the single products composed for set of parts to lower the price for the customers that wanted to buy a pack of parts... Now the combos are useless...

    Why you can't create a tool to offer a combo of products with reduced price?

    I need some help by now...
  6. 1068084_deleted
    1068084_deleted Active Member
    I have thought about the prices.
    it would be a good idea that should be a model cheaper prize to give these also to the customer on.
    Then the customers are also ready when a model is more expensive, to also accept this price.
    I'll do it like that.

    BTW. Have one of you also models disappeared from the shop?
  7. RolandR
    RolandR Member
    This is the model in question. It's the only part in the file.
  8. EmilyLane
    EmilyLane Active Member
    My markups are definitely messed up for the frosted materials. I could fix them manually but should I wait? I don't want to fix things and then have the system mess them up again.
  9. stannum
    stannum Well-Known Member
    Cheapest in bathtub before vs best for quality now... so pay the low price and get the expensive one... makes no sense.
  10. TonyRR
    TonyRR Well-Known Member
    By now seems that Shapeways has fixed my markup problems.



    Maybe is the flaw I've found on the CSV file: some cells have incorrect properties and the value was changed from "number" to "date". So this was leading to incorrect markups.

    On the negative hand I've noticed that one of my products -with multiple parts on them- has changed from 26.96 $ to 113 $...
    That's more than 4 times the old price!!!!! C'mon guys!!!!

    And all the big parts have increased notably his price...

    Yes, the small products have lowered the price.

    The last improvement must be the new FUD/FXD finish ready to paint... Let's see...
  11. EmilyLane
    EmilyLane Active Member
    I fixed my markups manually. In addition I noticed that the markups for one model also available in steel were supersized. Not sure if they were messed up before or because of frosted repricing.
  12. Anyuta3D
    Anyuta3D Well-Known Member
    The new FUD prices are already imposed. Production cost raise was expected but what happened was actually an Armagedon. From the 650+ items hosted into our Anyuta 3D shop catalog available for sale, we had to withdraw all of them. Some sellers report that they are happy because they noticed production cost getting lower. Well, believe it or not, almost ALL our products became more expensive. Most of them became approx 40% more expensive, while few of them cost up to 500% more to get 3D printed. That is a total catastrophy!

    Thanks a lot Shapeways, you did whatever possible to ruin scale model building. We could accept minor problems (such as crystalization) on FUD. We could understand few dollars increase on production cost, but if you think that we'll let Shapeways suck the blood of our neck, its not gonna happen.

    Our retail shop here in Shapeways is only a small part of our business since we are mostly oriented on industrial 3D design for scale model & toy companies, museums and miniature factories, but we run this small retail shop here in Shapeways, to keep individual low cost hobbyists and average-Joe modelers happy. The extreme raise of FUD production cost, will surely affect our retail shop here in Shapeways and we cannot invest time and effort on something that cannot be accessible by the average scale modeler. Already ordered test prints from other factories, since our retail shop here in Shapeways cannot be considered profitable with such FUD production cost and we have to move elsewhere - unless some serious changes will take place.

    Anyuta 3D
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  13. czhunter
    czhunter Well-Known Member
    From quick view, it seems that N scale models are significantly cheaper (cca 30% especially FXD models went much lower), TT scale models are slighty cheaper (cca 10% down) and H0 scale models become more expensive (cca 20% up).

    In compare with injection molded and resin casted kits - before, N scale was price-competetive, TT 50/50 and H0 definitely more expensive.
    Now the difference is even more visible.
    N scale went even _under_ price of resin casted models, TT is litlle above the market level, and H0 is now not comparative in terms of prices (but for sure, when its very tempting, modeler will buy it).

    Nearly all my models are single or two part body shells, so I have no chance to optimize for lower price.

    Markups are messed up - some of them were kept, some of them were set to 0 (it seems, that mostly, when price went up, the markup stood, when price went down, it was set o zero (but its not "rule").

    Now I'll set my models to "not for sale" until I'll repair the prices.
    Last edited: May 25, 2017
  14. RolandR
    RolandR Member
    I specifically had one of your earlier comments in mind when I wrote these lines:

    I definitely agree that it's incredibly frustrating that you'll have to redesign your >650 models, but I'd argue that this is not entirely Shapeways' fault.

    In the past, we all paid for your 60+ part models. Now, you do.
  15. 1068084_deleted
    1068084_deleted Active Member
    Some models of mine have still disappeared from the shop?
    What happened ?
    Is it also happening to others?
    These are missing:
    Deago Greeble set 1 "From the shop disappeared"
    Deago Greeble set 2 "From the shop disappeared"

    How can I keep them back exactly as they do in the shop?
    Thank you .
  16. ETS35
    ETS35 Well-Known Member
    I'm also missing models in my shop:

    Also, I do wonder if this is really the cheapest orientation to print this model. If it is, it will increase in price even further because this orientation will destroy the details.
    ETS35X01 Set5C.jpg
    (I will redesign this set and attach the separate pieces to the main sprue. But I do want to know what is the best way to improve this file before I start)

    Also, are designers being punished by the machine space = footprint x max. height? I think it is unfair to use the highest point of a design as a multiplier for everything. As an example, I have several designs that are really low except for a few pieces (I'd say no more than 2-5% of the footprint)
    Last edited: May 25, 2017
  17. MelangeToys
    MelangeToys Well-Known Member
    One happy camper, here. The new pricing opens a world of possibilities for me and my products.
    HenrikRydberg and Ngineer like this.
  18. 1068084_deleted
    1068084_deleted Active Member
    A friend told me that models appeared in the shop which were not there anymore.
    So disappear models from the shop.
    And there were models that were no longer there.
  19. diStefan
    diStefan Member
    All the big items (small scales) have increased notably his price!!!! some items has got more then 300% up price

    The small items have lowered the price!!! (all items has got down price only for 10%)

    overall all prices are up for 10%, so they won again! :(
  20. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    See what the competitors charge for models that have gone up more than some small percentage - if their prices have been similar all along, it is likely that shapeways' previous advantage did not lie in superior logistics but simply in being able to spend investor money on subsidizing production costs for some years.
    Ngineer likes this.