
Product designer, Maker
Engineer student who want to realise his projects !

[Gravity] Modern Hidden Blade Replica For Cosplay
Manukeru @yiap2610 hello, the design is not made for a metal blade, the plastic used is strong, but i don't know if it would be enought. Moreover, you'll have to work on the metal blade design to correspond to my design. Without this, it'll not work.
Manukeru @cayne94 not at all because i don't have enought money to test my design so there are not fully tested and functional.
Manukeru @gooch2691 Hi, it's now the good instruction for the model you get. Don't hesitate if you have any question and hope you'll enjoy the prop ;)
Manukeru @gooch2691 Ah, yes of course an update have been made, I'll update the instruction this afternoon ! Thank you to remember it to me, and i hope you'll like it!
Manukeru @matt_karlovics It's a plastic blade, so it strong but also can bend. If you are too strong yes it can broke but you have to be not carefull to broke it.
Arno's Phantom Crossbow Replica For Cosplay
Manukeru @Gpericon Yes it's a kind of dual action.
Manukeru @Kh1317430 Hi, i don't already have the model in hand. I don't have enought money to buy one. Maybe i'll do one when i could buy one.
Manukeru @rediraevac yes it's that, but with the right design. And the blade will come normaly later with an otf mechanism but I'm not in possibility to continue design for the moment.
Manukeru I can't explain easily how it work, but there is a part to pull to open the arms and to arm the crossbow. To release the mechanism, there is two part to push to unlock it and the arms come back automatically.
Manukeru @rediraevac Hello, first, the arms are lock in close or open position so you can shot dard with. For how far it goes, i realy can't says because it depends of the rubber band you use with, and i don't have one. I know what you want for the instruction video but like i says in the facebook account, for the moment i'm student so i don't have enough money to by one and make a video.
Manukeru @thecolorblack55 It's a beta so I really don't know. All I can say is that it depend of the power of the rubber band you use.
Manukeru @palghat007 Yes you have right there is no hidden blade on this model.
Manukeru @thecolorblack55 Hello, for the power, it depend of the rubber band you use and how much you use. For the blade, I'll try to make one that'll be under the cross bow and in dual action but for the moment like I said on my Facebook page, I first finish my study to be able to take more time on 3d modeling and to have money to put in it.
Manukeru @CelticStudios it's only the cross bow part, there is no hidden blade with it. And there is one dard with.
Manukeru commented on Connor's dagger replica for cosplay by Manukeru
July 20, 2015
Connor's dagger replica for cosplay
Manukeru @Arno_Kenway33 I'm sorry, but i'm not at home now... I do a training in a stranger state so i can't do one before half september... I'm really sorry about that and to answered late, but I'm a student after all.
Manukeru @gooch2691 for the magnet size, it's says in the description. To block the back blade, i do it to lock the blade with the hand whan you take it. If you think to an other system to lock it, i can modify the 3d file to have a new lock system.