Jacob Dewey


3D modeler

Dogeatdog6 commented on Pokemon Ring by Dogeatdog6
November 26, 2016
Pokemon Ring
Dogeatdog6 For anyone that was trying to purchase this and was unable to, I am currently working on it. I have four sizes currently available and functional. If you need a specific size sooner than later, please let me know and I will get that one up as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Dogeatdog6 @grabusnikm I am working on this now. I haven't edited the description in awhile, and I think Shapeways updated their site. Give me a moment to resolve this.
Dogeatdog6 @omgitspaigeface The links are working for me... Which size did you need? I'd be happy to give you a direct URL to it if I have it posted, or try to get a new size uploaded.
Dogeatdog6 @Gdawson98 Hm.. I'm not sure; You could try contacting Shapeways about it. What material did you order it in? I can put up a warning about it, but beyond that, I can't do much. Sorry!
Dogeatdog6 @xxlinacakesxx Alright... I saw the areas that caused problems, and I think I fixed them and a couple others I thought were suspect. Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure is by having someone order it and it passing the manual check stage of the process. I hope it all works, but I will keep on it to make sure it does!
Dogeatdog6 @xxlinacakesxx I will look into that immediately. I just got all the emails and notifications from your comments and purchases. Give me a little bit and I will try to resolve it. I will get back to you as soon as I can!
Dogeatdog6 @brittany_powers_378 Not from me directly -- I can't work with details that small currently. However, if you were to get it in just about any of the metals (stainless steel all the way up to the precious metals), a jewellery store would probably be able to engrave custom writing on the inside, and probably do it for rather cheap. I can't speak on that for sure, though. :O
Dogeatdog6 @xxlinacakesxx I can certainly get that up and running today hopefully! I will get started here shortly!
Dogeatdog6 @azuresky808 I will work on that today! :D
Dogeatdog6 commented on PokemonRingSize8 by Dogeatdog6
October 16, 2016
Dogeatdog6 @fb77588 Gold Plated and Silver would be your cheaper options, ranging from about 55-75 (I still can't guarantee price until after I'm done making it), but 14k gold would be significantly more expensive, running around 400-500. Depends on how much material is used and the sort. I will work on this ring sometime today or tomorrow and see where I get with it. :)
Dogeatdog6 @fb77588 :P I know them all, so that's okay! What size ring would he need, and in what material? It should be pretty similar, but I won't know until I get it all finished.
Dogeatdog6 @fb77588 I could certainly do one with different Pokemon, but engraving is something I don't believe I can do. Shapeways has detail limits on many of their printable materials, and engravings are just too fine of detail to be on the item itself. You can always get something engraved at just about any jewelry shop for a low cost (usually 20-30 dollars, depending on location and such) What Pokemon would you want on the ring?
Dogeatdog6 @fb77588 What did you have in mind? I've been a bit busy, but I'd be up for it.
Dogeatdog6 commented on KHRingShield by Dogeatdog6
June 19, 2015
Dogeatdog6 @dprice7 Thanks! Can't wait to hear some feedback proper~ :D If it works out the way I want it to, I'll be releasing ones with the symbols in different orders (center piece being either Shield, Sword, or Wand) :P