Gustav Dahlström


blackbitz commented on Dreadnought Autocannon arms, 28mm v1.3 by blackbitz
December 22, 2019
Dreadnought Autocannon arms, 28mm v1.3
blackbitz @duithy Thank you for your feedback. I kept the distance narrow to minimize cost. The material White Natural Versatile Plastic is harder than normal model plastic. The photo of the painted Dreadnought this material. For optimal details and surface smoothness I recommend the material Smooth Fine detail Plastic. I have not tried the Black PA12 yet. I love to magnetize all my weaponry so it is super easy to swap around. Hope you will be pleased with them when they are painted, serving the Emperor on the tabletop.
Dreadnought Missile launchers, Deathwatch/Salamand
blackbitz @tank_santa I added a simple render image of the two launchers side by side so you can see both insignias. You can also click on the 3D-icon on the image to ge a view you can rotate and see any side.
X-wing Multi template (with custom text)
blackbitz @Chris_Erickson. Glad you liked it. And you are right. you have to see it to believie it. I've played with it for the past weeks. It works great when you fly few ships. Like Dash - Miranda. When the board get crowded it's harder to use. I like it as an addition to my normal templates.
blackbitz commented on 2mm Cavalry (x150) WSF by blackbitz
April 11, 2017
2mm Cavalry (x150) WSF
blackbitz @forwardmarchstudios: Let me know how it goes. Especially if you have previous experience of 2mm miniatures.


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