Andre Sassine


3D modeler, Designer, Artist

00dude00 commented on Mask of Emulation - Pouks by 00dude00
July 5, 2018
Mask of Emulation - Pouks
00dude00 @doerrbrooke1 I apologize for the late response, but I'm so sorry to hear that! It seems that you managed to solve the problem on your own, but for future reference I'd like to remind you that Shapeways has a money back guarantee. If you ever receive a damaged product you can call customer service within 10 days and receive a refund on your purchase. May I also ask what material you purchased the mask in?
00dude00 commented on Toa Kualus Staff by meliug_ocan
July 5, 2018
Toa Kualus Staff
00dude00 awesome job with these staffs! was too lazy to model them myself, so it's good to see that someone else was able to do so. Did you ever make a toa hagah team yourself?
00dude00 commented on Toa Hagah Masks Combo Pack by 00dude00
July 4, 2018
Toa Hagah Masks Combo Pack
00dude00 @trc2390 Really awesome job! Interesting seeing Pouk's mask in gold since I painted mine silver :)
00dude00 @ToaMeikhaal So glad to hear you liked them! Please feel free to post a picture of your team once you've completed them! :)
00dude00 @ToaMeikhaal Thanks for your interest! The method I used to paint my masks was to spraypaint a black primer coat first before actually painting them with a brush. I used a method called dry brushing that you can look up online, but basically you just want to use very little paint and go over the mask multiple times until you get the look you want. I've never actually tried replicating dark pearl grey, but I'd imagine it wouldn't be too hard. I'd probably start with a silver color that is as close as possible and slowly add black until it looks right :)
00dude00 @Dimensioner What I did was use a matte black spray paint as primer (I do suggest this considering FUD is transparent) then I used some DecoArt acrylic paints. I had to do some mixing to get the colors right though. For the gold I used "Glorious Gold" and "Venetian Gold" along with some black to darken things up. For the silver I used "Shimmering Silver" and may have added some white/light grey paint to make it slightly less metallic but I don't remember TBH. I was thinking about Making the Speartips but just decided to go with existing molds since that's what was done for the other two hagah.
00dude00 @Dimensioner Thanks! For this pack in particular the sprues are rather thin and fragile, something that doesn't work well with the polishing process. I could possibly add it as an option on the individual masks though if you'd like.
Check out this cool product! - Mask of Growth - Bomonga
00dude00 commented on Kanohi Ignika by 00dude00
April 5, 2015
Kanohi Ignika
00dude00 @Michael12 sorry for the late reply! It is the white strong and flexible polished, I just used some black primer and gold acrylic paint to drybrush it and give it that look.