Now that the big holidays are behind us (though our behinds may be larger as a result), it’s time to prepare your shops and products for Valentine’s Day. Over the course of the month, we’ll be featuring gift-worthy products, as well as the designers behind the beautiful creations.

In order to get your products featured, please tag all relevant products with “Valentine’s Day.” We’ll be sifting through to find the gems and sharing them as early as next week. In particular, we’re looking for products with the following attributes:

  • High quality images, not renders
  • Default material should match the product image shown
  • Well-written product descriptions
  • Part of shops with complete, well-written profiles
  • On theme — though model trains might be romantic for some folks, they don’t really fall in the Valentine’s Day category. Skulls on the other hand…

You can also read up on past tips and tricks. We’re open to any and all materials, and will be featuring those that take longer to make (like silver or steel products) sooner than later.

Finally, if you have any stories to share about unique creations that aren’t for sale, like the engagement ring you’re making for that special someone, don’t be shy! We’d love to hear how you’re using Shapeways to make meaningful, custom objects.