As you may know Shapeways has attended Makerfaire 2010 in San Mateo. It was great to be back and the whole team enjoyed it. It was cool to meet community members. Some are using us very often, others know us but still want to try for the first time. It was cool to see Bulatov and also to see a lot of people getting really enthusiastic about what we are doing. In the two days we handed out over 2000 flyers and the demand was so big, we needed to have more made 🙂

The nice thing about show is, that it is fantastic to meet you all and learn what you really want, what you like and do not like about Shapeways. The key learning for me was that our delivery time needs to be faster and that all our materials are really appreciated and should be further expanded.

In the little bit of spare time we walked around and right accross from our booth was Ifixit and I think they have a great idea. They are helping everybody in repairing their own things, like computers, cars etc. The key element is that we are all entitled to manuals to repair our own belongings, to products we can repair AND to spare parts at reasonable prices. The latter is something we could help with!

The icing on the cake of 2 really cool days was that we won the Makerfair Editor’s Choice Award ! To us this means people start to appreciate what we are doing and we would like to thank you, our community for making it possible together with us!