Shapeways shop owner Jeremy Burnich has launched a Kickstarter campaign to create a stunning bowl in the shape of Antarctica, with the proceeds going to offset carbon (via and help fight climate change.

Jeremy used Shapeways’ Porcelain and Strong and Flexible (Nylon) Plastic to prototype and fine-tune his design. He’s now raising money to cast the bowl for mass production — and mass positive environmental impact.

Jeremy notes, “Shapeways has been an invaluable resource to help bring this campaign and the South Bowl to life. I used Shapeways in the prototyping process and its SLS Nylon printers will be what create the final mold master that every South Bowl will be patterned after.”

“One of the rewards will be made by Shapeways right in New York! From NYC to Pittsburgh to Portland, the South Bowl is an American endeavor that does good for the entire world. Each Shapeways-produced reward has a 50 kg carbon offset.”

The bowl is beautiful and we love the care that Jeremy takes in choosing his production partners. This isn’t just about making a nice product; it’s about being thoughtful about the whole manufacturing process and working to make a positive impact.