Friends often ask me what I’m doing these days professionally and it dawned on me this weekend, I have the best job on earth.   Here is why.

For Christmas I wanted to share Shapeways 3D printed gifts with my whole family, so I searched the marketplace for digitally handmade gifts from our community that were perfect for everyone.   In particular I was thrilled to find this cross by Lucas Plus for my step Mom (aka my 2nd Mom!).Lucas Plus cross

For those of you who might not follow Lucas, he has a wonderful story (read it here) and each of his creations is dedicated to reminding us to always have a positive attitude.  Well, Lucas, your creation above has done just that for me personally.

This past weekend, I was a bit overwhelmed with all the STUFF that can get us down in our everyday lives; emails that won’t stop coming, errands that eat up the entire weekend, deadlines at work I think I can catch up on over the weekend, kids to shuttle around, a stray dirty dish that can’t EVER seem to find its way into the dishwasher… you get the picture.   Then my 2nd mom called from a church weekend retreat.   She shared how her Lucas Plus Cross was the rave of the seminar and she just wanted to let me know how many of her friends were now searching Shapeways for their own digitally handmade cross plus all the other amazing things they had found shopping our marketplace this weekend.

Thank you Lucas for sharing your gift of creativity with us here at Shapeways.   Thank you to everyone in our community today and those who join tomorrow.   Bringing your creativity to the physical world through 3D printing is a gift to us all and you never know how many times each design will make someone smile and lift us up when we start to get smothered with silly little daily details.

So,  what am I doing professionally these days?   Helping enable everyone to share their creativity by bringing it to the physical world through 3D printing.   Helping folks discover our community marketplace where many of our designers and makers actually sell their projects.

Join our community of makers and discover the fun of digitally hand crafted projects.  It is way more fun than weekend chores!   Happy Making!  Rebf