This week we are highlighting Florin Grigore, an artist with sociology and law education background, Florin has taken his self-taught skills and artistic background to create a beautiful shop full of unique and fresh jewelry.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? Where are you located?
I’m a self-taught designer born and living in Bucharest, Romania with a background in fine art and formal education in sociology and law with a main focus on Intellectual Property.



What’s the story behind your designs? What inspires you?
Inspiration comes in two ways : A) Researching other designs and other designers and seeing where they fail and add ideas. B) Random ideas from everywhere that are combined to become a new one. Stacking up 5 ideas in one design to make it original it is itself is a big challenge that I like to take.


What brought you to 3D printing with Shapeways?
I was reading some tech related sites and stumbled on 3D Printing news, and from there I have learned that 3D printing was applied to metal casting and silver in particular.

How did you learn how to design in 3D?
Learning 3D was a long road. First I learned Blender 3D then got indication on forums that I need to learn to draw in order to use the software to the full potential. So basically any online tutorials from blogs, YouTube, CGI communities and others.


How do you promote your work?
I promote my work on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.

Who are your favorite designers or artists? Who in the Shapeways community has served as an inspiration to you?
In no specific order: JoyComplex, LucasPlus, FabMeJewelry, UniverseBecoming, MayCrown. I don’t want to upset anyone, so for me all members of Shapeways community are nice!

If you weren’t limited by current technologies, what would you want to make using 3D printing?
3D print a full space ship and travel to other universes around!


Anything else you want to share?
Jewelry is a piece of history and a cultural heritage, it represents the future and the past, the fight and the struggle, the emotion and commotion of emotions, it is a lasting memory of a relative and the bridge of social interaction when there it is the lack of communication. Pendants in particular are for the children, father, mother, friends, lovers and can save a human life at the brink of depression!


  • Beautiful photography on white background, different angled shots
  • Fun designs
  • Great use of different materials
  • Great banner/shop organization
  • Social buttons on profile


Thank you so much, Florin! Keep up the amazing work. Don’t forget to follow along on his website, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. To be featured, feel free to email aimee @