At Shapeways we pride ourselves on having the most high quality materials available for 3D printing. One of our popular and readily available materials is our white, strong and flexible plastic (WSF) which is laser sintered nylon plastic in a variety of colors and finishes. This material is incredibly versatile, and can be used for a wide variety of applications. Check out these incredible sculptures printed using our plastic material.

1) Quaternary Tree Mobile by mobiles

2) Worm Hole by TonyEnn

3) Iron Bridge by Nathan2012

4) Articulated Mantis Shrimp by chosetec

5) Venus de Milo by CosmoWenman

6) “Chimaera” – Greek Vase Painting by printedCat

7) Mobius Nautilus by joabaldwin

8) Illustrious sculpture by cosmic.ollie (

Our plastics are also a great and inexpensive material for prototyping and testing your designs. For more information and a in-depth overview on our strong and flexible plastic click here.