As 2014 begins in earnest, I’m sitting down to write my resolutions. While flipping through MAKE Magazine’s 3D printing issue, I couldn’t help but notice not one but FIVE Shapeways Shop Owners featured! Which got me really excited about setting some 3D Printing Resolutions, like making some new jewelry this month.

What are your 3D Printing Resolutions for 2014?

If you’re a Shop Owner, perhaps it’s taking better photographs of your models, or dedicating 5 hours a week to your Shop to make it grow.

If you’re a Maker, perhaps it’s trying to design moveable parts in a single print, or making custom Valentines gift for someone special.

If you’re a Shopper, give our apps and creators a try, or commit to giving only custom gifts this year. 

Let us know your goals here, on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #3DP2014 – and cheers to a fantastic new year!