Recently, through our feature this section, I came across some prints of 3D scanned trees. The quality of the scans, combined with the detail and complimentary look of the cast metals, really caught my attention. As a 3D scanning novice, and a 3D modeler, and 3D printing enthusiast; I had to know more. So I contacted the designer to try and learn as much as I could about her techniques and thought process.

tree square-2

The pieces were designed by artist Kathleen. Her background in movies and photography, as well in 3D modeling, lined her up perfectly to start 3D scanning. While learning Zbrush, she happened to sit in on a webinar about Photoscanning. Figuring it would give her something to make in Zbrush besides monsters, and would lead to learning how to troubleshoot models. The webinar introduced Kathleen to Agisoft. Agisoft is a software that takes photos and uses locations in photos to generate a point cloud. From the point cloud, a mesh can then be generated. You can download Agisoft, and try it for free (with no export or 30-day trial). There’s also 123D Catch, and Autodesk Memento, that are free to use.

sparce point cloud

Along with Zbrush and Agisoft, Kathleen uses an assortment of software to create her works, including: Lightroom, Photoshop, Rhino, Netfabb, and Illustrator, with Keyshot and Maxwell for rendering. To take her photos, she uses a Canon 5D Mark II with a 24-70mm zoom and a 50 prime lens.

stump in zbrush

Personally, I’d never thought to scan a tree. I live in the country, where I all too often pass by them without a second thought. Kathleen is from the city, where trees aren’t as common of an occurrence. Being in the city, the trees around her also have a uniqueness to them. Kathleen likes natural patterns, but was drawn to the trees because of the way the city has forced them to grow against their nature. I think you’ll agree, that the subjects, and the materials are an amazing combination!

oxidized stump-2


Be sure to follow Kathleen on Shapeways to see all her work and to be notified when she adds new, amazing products to her shop!

Photos courtesy of Kathleen King.