Terran Naval Yards

 I am committed to creating quality models that are both cool and durable.  Clear skies and fair winds, Godspeed and good fortune.
I have attempted to make my models with a great emphasis on both style and durability, so that they don’t fall apart on you when you least expect it. Every model has been hand-selected from a list that numbers, at last count, 1028 models. Including, though this is rare, several versions of the same model. These are rare, and only once has it gotten to the point of ten different versions of one design, that being the Beta Stormbolt series. Whenever I can, I will test print my models before I print them to insure that I am giving you the greatest value for your money. In fact, several of the models that I haven’t printed yet are improvements on previously printed, and subsequently rejected, designs. Please note that those designs are mainly from early in my work with the modeling software that I use, and before I really got used to the methods to create durable models reliably.