
Modern day viking age jewelry, fitted to the contemporary style of Scandinavia. 
Ravengaard Jewelry is artisanship pulled from the ancient memory of Scandinavia. Artefacts are whispered back to live, with the promise that the new world still needs them. Steady hands and an eye for detail guides the ancient treasures to become modern artefacts. This is what I call ancient modern. 

The raven coop is driven in its entirety by Mathias Olsen, who is educated in both cultural communication and the arts. The name Ravengaard stems from the flickering of blacken raven wings of thought and memory that resides in the gold smith studio. Thoughts and memories that stretches back to ancient Scandinavia. Expressions, which does not only focus on the explorations and the Vikings, but also the expressions from the everyday folk. It is the lived lives of the common person, the rituals and the allure of nature, which is the focus of Ravengaard Jewelry.


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