
NiTrideDesign is a division of the company NiTride, that specialises in CAD / CG design.

Official Website/Store


Product prices may vary from the NiTrideDesign Official store due to the following reasons listed below

> Fluctuating currency conversion rates.
> Variations in manufacturing costs over time and listing creation/updated dates
> Due to fees


What is NiTrideDesign?
NiTrideDesign is a division of the company NiTride, that specialises in CAD/ CG design. When designing products, creativity is one of NiTrideDesign’s strengths, enabling innovative designs to be generated and brought to life, that are focused towards being highly aesthetic whilst upholding practicality. NiTrideDesign’s second strength is its advanced knowledge and understanding in the engineering field, allowing for products to be “engineered” to be highly efficient, through making products with high structural strength designs, lowering material usage, and simplifying manufacturing processes, thus resulting in high quality, low in cost product designs. Therefore, “Creative thinking” and “Engineering knowledge” are what NiTrideDesign is built from.

How the idea for NiTrideDesign was made
Hi, I'm Nicolas Murdaca and I am the creator of "NiTrideDesign". Being a Mechatronics Engineer, my 3D modelling skills were focused towards creating parts that are structurally strong in shape, simple to manufacture, and low in material usage in order to be as low in cost and efficient as possible, whilst still being highly reliable and safe. Due to this my engineering experience with 3D modelling was far from the creative design work I would enjoy and be interested in, and so I decided as a hobby to work on improving my artistic/ creative side to 3D modelling, and less on the technical engineering side. After a while of me improving/developing my artistic skill in 3D modelling, I came up with the idea of combining this artistic/creative side of 3D modelling, with the technical engineering side, thus starting NiTrideDesign, my very own company.

About the Creator:  Nicolas Murdaca
Nicolas has a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), majoring in Robotics and Mechatronics, and Sub-majoring in Biomedical Engineering. Through his Engineering experience, Nicolas has comprehensive knowledge and experience using the Engineering softwares, Solidworks, and MATLAB. He also has knowledge and skills in C++, G code, and PLC’s and Microcontrollers. Through his interests in game development, Nicolas has experience using, 3Ds Max, Unreal Engine, and Substance Painter. Through his experience in website development, Nicolas has great experience in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS coding, and experience in using Adobe Photoshop, (for creating website graphics). Nicolas has a huge passion towards creativity, and expresses his creativity through his digital art and product design. As a hobby, Nicolas has a huge passion for music, and spends a lot of his time developing his own music, and improving his musical skills. He also has an interest in many other creative arts.
Computer Software
- 3DS Max
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Multisim
- Substance Painter
- Unreal Engine

Coding Knowledge / Experience
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Liquid
- C++
- G-Code
- PLC (Ladder logic)

What type of products does NiTrideDesign specialise in and why
NiTrideDesign specialises in the creation of Rings, Pendants, Guitar picks, and Phone cases. Having both the mind of an artist and an engineer, I am able to design these products to have high aesthetic value, whilst being built for high strength and low cost.


Why Rings and Pendants?
In our day and age, appearance is one of the ways someone represents the type of person they are too the world and others. This representation could be a cultural image, representation of personality, or just a sense of fashion. In saying this, rings, and pendants are a great way people can achieve this, and is the reason why I have decided to focus on designing products in this area. Who doesn’t like to wear a ring or pendant that has a cool design. If you are interested in what rings and pendants I have designed up, check out the store.

Why Guitar Picks
I decided to focus my work on the design of guitar picks since I have always had a strong passion and connection to music, and mostly spend my spare time either working on improving my musical talent, or working on creating my own music. Having such a strong passion for music, why would I not be spending my time designing mad looking guitar picks, and why wouldn’t I share these designs with the world. If your interested in guitar picks, take a look at my work on guitar pick design in the store.

Why Phone Cases?
I have decided to work on phone case design because in our day and age phones are a big part of peoples lives, helping with communication, navigation, educational support (Google) and are a huge part of peoples source for entertainment, (Games, Videos). Knowing this and the importance phones now have in peoples lives, why would it be a bad idea to design up phone cases, so that people can change the appearance of their phone, whilst giving their precious device a strong protection against getting damaged. If you are interested in getting a phone case check out what designs I have made in the store.