Keystone Details

Keystone Details is officially closed until further notice.

I am truly, truly saddened to make this announcement, and I appreciate all of the business this forum has provided me, both from a design, and a product perspective.
Sadly nearly all of my designs would need to be re-mastered in CAD to print on any other type of printer, and some of my details are impossible to print using SLA at this point. The redesign workload is simply not manageable in my life.

So reluctantly, I am choosing to take ALL of my product off the market and remove all of my files from Shapeways while I still can, to protect my IP.I will still entertain design for sale 3D models. This will be managed by PM here, the Keystone Details Facebook page, or by emailing me at

I may consider selling my designs, as they exist, to those who might want to try to print them on their own, with IP protection of course- the 3D model will not be supported by me. This will be managed by PM here, the Keystone Details Facebook page, or by emailing me at 
I have looked at the 3Dtrains page and they do not seem capable to print my designs as they only have SLA and FDM style printers and may still require full redesign of my designs.

The Keystone Details website will also be decommissioned soon as there is no need for further costs associated with its hosted existence. I may convert all of my offerings there to an excel based pricing file, but this will take time.

Shapeways was a huge blessing to me as are all of you whom supported my endeavor, so sincerest thanks to anyone who ever bought my products.

 Keystone Details is a place where Pennsylvania Railroad N Scale modelers can find helpful if obscure models of things not available in the general marketplace. Many more designs to come. Ideas for any types of PRR items are welcome and requested.
Thank you for visiting and I hope you find our designs to be functional, helpful and desirable!

At left you will see two brands:  
  • Keystone Details: This is strictly for Pennsylvania Railroad designs only and you will note that there is a shop section for each scale
These designs are for PRR modelers, some designed by request and others for myself and so I share their avialability in each respective section
  • Keystone Customs:  This is where I house all NON- Pennsylvania Railroad designs of any scale            
These designs are mostly from NON-PRR modelers looking for something they need and so I share their avialability here