What I want for Xmas - any API development from Shapeways?

Discussion in 'Shapeways API' started by 349107_deleted, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Hi,

    Is there any API improvement happening with regards to external shops and the placing/processing of orders at Shapeways?

    As a shop owner I see it imperative to have the following available to me and customers:

    1. Invisible Shapeways - Shapeways are a 'silent' partner: a, when orders are made there is no redirection to sways to put the product/s in a cart. The cart is populated locally ensuring the customer can have a true browse and buy on my site without being exposed to and distracted by 'similar products' from other shops/designers being suggested to them on the sways site. So, when the shopper has bought the things they want locally, the request is then sent to Shapeways. The shopper is told 'we are checking to see if all of your order can be completed and you will receive an email...' Whilst the check is made with sways on material levels/delivery times etc.

    Currently adding single items, or quantities of the same item whilst being redirected to sways and led away from my site are all major issues that need resolving I should imagine from anyone trying to sell as much as they can...

    Would like to know if there are plans a foot regarding this?
    I am aware that competitive service or investing some time&effort in this..

  2. bartv
    bartv Member
    Hi FearlessForms,

    thanks, this is useful! I'm tracking the request on our community wishlist. At this moment it's unlikely to be prioritized for the short term though, especially as this solution will incorporate many other changes such as non-branded shipping, custom invoices for shipments and support for drop shipping.

    But rest assured that we're aware of the importance of this for external shops!

  3. Thanks Bart!

  4. Bathsheba
    Bathsheba Well-Known Member
    NB lack of this feature is why I lost interest. I don't care about your unbranded invoices and whatnot, but lack of drop shipping in any form was a sore disappointment. I can't really express my grief without emoticons, which seem to have disappeared, but it wasn't at all what I expected.

    I can already buy a model through the cart and have it sent to someone else, and all I ask is to automate that. It's not nearly as complicated as what you're saying: all I want is to push a shipping address through the API!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
  5. Hey Shapeways,

    I'm new to the 3d printing world and I'm trying to catch up on this and after being super excited about an API. I think I've come to realize it can't do the one thing I'd want it to do - which is process an order (payment and shipment) for a 3rd party customer - is that right? Is there any progress on adding this ability to the API? We're looking for a 3d printing service with this capability but sadly it looks like only i.competitive service provides this feature (and other stuff like branded drop shipping). Being able to specify an address and boolean flag "send receipt" so they don't get a receipt showing our margin would be AMAZING!!!! Please let me know if we can somehow up the priority on this for your dev team.

    *Edit: sorry just discovered competitive service's API allows this as well. Maybe some competitive positioning to help us bump up the priority :)

    Thanks guys,
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2014
  6. Hey Shapeways,

    Any update on this? The request has been around for a long time!
