submitting a 16MB or larger STL file

Discussion in 'Shapeways API' started by mctrivia, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. abite
    abite Member
    Dear Hans,

    Thank you very much for checking quickly. I have been checking every possibility to solve the problem.
    Then, it becomes obvious that the issue is caused by my side.
    I can see that the Apache setting of my server indicates
    "Timeouts Connection: 180 - Keep-Alive: 3"
    It has been the only suspicous factor so far.
    I am gioing to talk with my server hosting agent.
    Thanks again.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  2. I agree it sucks that the API wasn't finished. As such, we're starting to work on it again in a few weeks to turn it into something real :) As in... proper functions, RESTful, documentation, oAuth, etc.

    Don't have a timeline yet but we'll probably release in a heavily iterative cycle and use these forums to get feedback and improve.

    We will also continue to support the existing API for quite some time until everyone (fingers crossed) migrates over to the new version :D

    P.S. Any examples of sites that do a good job of integrating external code on the site? (Referring to your 'It would be great if I could get this on the product detail page' comment) Obviously Facebook does a good job here but I'm wondering if there are any other examples? This is definitely our vision and we're still working through the best way to make this happen.

    Instant co-creators (we just call them Creators) are the future!!!