Shipping cost and Delivery time through Shapeways API

Discussion in 'Shapeways API' started by 835527_deleted, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. Is it possible to get Shipping cost and Delivery time through Shapeways API?
  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    At this time, neither of those datasets are in the API, nor are they in any single place on the website.
    Each material page has it's own delivery time. The closest you can get is the Material Status Page which only informs you if some material is currently delayed.
    Part of that is because there are different rules that apply in certain special cases.. such as objects over a certain size require more production time, etc.

    On the other side, shipping costs don't change that often (except for the free-shipping specials). Within any one country it's likely to be 2 years or so between shipping price changes due to negotiated contracts,etc.

    I do agree that it'd be nice to have those datasets available thru the API.. another one for the suggestion box.
  3. I am developing a web-application whose one of the feature is that user can compare prices from various leading 3D printing services and place order at a single place instead of going to each service providers website to obtain quote. To some extent it is similar to:

    It will be great to be able to let users show shipping cost and delivery time so that they can make an informed decision. I was able to fetch that information from IMaterialize's API by providing address and quantity (https://i.competitive

    I urge Shapeways API team to provide similar functionality.

    Thank you!