Road To Major Fud Improvements Starts With Repricing

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Andrewsimonthomas, May 9, 2017.

  1. guyrixon
    guyrixon Member
    When I download the spreadsheet, the "old base price" column is empty.
  2. MitchellJetten
    MitchellJetten Shapeways Employee CS Team
    thats cause the new pricing csv version isnt live yet ;)
  3. robs_mw
    robs_mw Well-Known Member
    Just checked a few of my models in the support material visualisation, and noticed that often 'smallest footprint' = 'max height' was chosen, which means max price, as height is penalised? This doesn't make sense or?

    Furthermore I noticed that besides the support material (green) footprint, there was an area of support material on top of that (in red), before the actual model material started. Why is that?
  4. sbhunterca
    sbhunterca Well-Known Member
    I went to my "products" page and a pop-up instructed me to download the new CSV, but the link was bad and the pop-up has disappeared... hopefully a working link will be posted?

    I finished setting orientation on my 280ish FUD models a few minutes ago. The tool worked well, but an additional option would sure be appreciated- the ability to pick a particular surface as "bottom" or "least important- a couple of my roof structure models are forced into ridiculous pricing because we can't do this. I REALLY want to be able to pick the non- detailed surface of one roof panel, greatly reducing the wax requirements and reducing the overall height, but the tool as it currently exists only sees the world in 90 degree increments. Capture 19.jpg Capture 14.jpg
  5. PenistoneRailwayWorks
    PenistoneRailwayWorks Well-Known Member
    Firstly, where are people finding the link to set orientation for FUD, as I'm not seeing that on my models.

    Secondly, I guess if you rotate the model within the file before uploading, then the 90 degree increments shouldn't be a problem; i.e. set the orientation correctly for how you want it printed. I guess the problem then though is that you end up having to loose the print history which sucks,

  6. PenistoneRailwayWorks
    PenistoneRailwayWorks Well-Known Member
    Also, for the support material visualization all I get is the helpful "Your model is currently processing. Please wait." message so I can't even see which way they've been orientated automatically :(

  7. PenistoneRailwayWorks
    PenistoneRailwayWorks Well-Known Member
    Weird. No sign of it in my models pages and I still just get the processing message for the support material. I thought the wait until today was so existing models could be processed. Rather frustrating that I still can't see the promised tools. At this rate the prices will change before I get a chance to have a proper look,

    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  8. Andrewsimonthomas
    Andrewsimonthomas Well-Known Member
    Attention, new FUD prices are now Live!

    You can see the old and new price in your edit models page and if you want to compare across your inventory you can download your CSV file here by clicking "markup invoice overview". you can make changes to the your markups across materials and reupload to batch edit your prices.

    To get a visualization of the Support Material and Machine space go to the 3D tools for FUD or FXD.
  9. railNscale
    railNscale Well-Known Member
    Uploading of modified CSV does not work!!!!
  10. DrysdaleWorks
    DrysdaleWorks Member
    In anticipation of the pricing change (but lacking visualization tools) I made some test versions of a model I'd previously printed, re-tooling it with different orientations, layouts, and sprue based on my assumptions about the effects of increasing footprint vs height, reducing support material, etc. Interestingly, despite the various changes, the price reductions seem to hold steady at about 45%. That's significant. The largest reduction I've seen so far is 59%.
    Happy to see that!
    Andrewsimonthomas likes this.
  11. Andrewsimonthomas
    Andrewsimonthomas Well-Known Member
    @railNscale will you contact our CS team so they can walk you through troubleshooting? I'll let them know you're headed towards them
  12. railNscale
    railNscale Well-Known Member

    Finally solved. Appearantly the csv-download went wrong due to ; separation selection.
    So now we have changed 1011 prices.

    And now we can start changing the prices to correct levels.


    BTW: Using CSV with dots instead of commas is difficult if you life in a comma-world.
    Andrewsimonthomas likes this.
  13. PenistoneRailwayWorks
    PenistoneRailwayWorks Well-Known Member
    Support material visualisation is now working for me, thanks. Still can't see an option to change orientation like some people can. Any idea why this is only visible to some and when can I expect to see it?


  14. CybranKNight
    CybranKNight Well-Known Member
    So I've gone over the new prices for my stuff, I only had 10 models and all but one has been updated, the last one just shows 0.00$ for some reason but whatever.

    Only one Item when up 1.50$ to 16.10$ and that's only because it's 8 parts, each part being 4 fighters sprued together. I figure once I rework it all into a single sprue I can get it to around 10$.

    The other 8 were a bit of a mixed bag, overall the average price drop was 22% and I figure with some tweaking I can probably get that average over 25%.

    So in the end things worked out well for me, I tended to sprue things already and aimed to keep part counts down regardless but I think if I can keep these kinds of prices going I'll be using FUD a lot more going forward once I can control Orientation fully.
  15. Andrewsimonthomas
    Andrewsimonthomas Well-Known Member
    @CybranKNight we're looking into that product that shows 0.00$ :)

    @PenistoneRailwayWorks you still cannot set orientation. They may be looking at the set orientation option for Strong and Flexible plastics or the orientation for rendering.
  16. PopeDesign
    PopeDesign Well-Known Member

    Ack! I'm confused... sbhunterca is able to set part orientation with FUD parts but I cant.... What tool is this person using?!? I can set the orientation for strong and flexible but see no option at all still for FUD.

    I really need to order FUD parts on a strict timeline to get a model done. But FUD is total waste of time (extra finishing time to remove support material surface scaring where you dont want it) and money if I cant set part orientation... So if this option is not available yet, when exactly will it be?
  17. PopeDesign
    PopeDesign Well-Known Member


    When the option is up and running, will I be able to set part orientation with FUD on models I have already uploaded and successfully printed?
  18. A spectacular reduction in prices for my models, thank you! My most expensive has had a £110 reduction! My customers will be very happy indeed

  19. EmilyLane
    EmilyLane Active Member
    Briefly looked at my shop and most frosted material prices dropped. But looking at the product pages shows often markups have dropped to $0 and in other cases gone up tremendously, like over $100. I don't have time to check everything right now but maybe this is happening for variants?

    For example in this one 1/12 scale markups skyrocketed and smaller sizes went to $0.
  20. MMShapeways
    MMShapeways Well-Known Member
    Good stuff Shapeways, from what I can tell pretty much all my products have dropped in price...
    But then when reorientated I guess they'll go back up again... :)

    Now any chance of increasing the size of your BHDA prints... just a suggestion!

    Shop Owners make sure you all get out there and let your customers know to end any rumours about price increases. Wherever that came from they're a right muppet!