Redirect with Claim key is broken

Discussion in 'Shapeways API' started by 1123732_deleted, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. Redirect to model page with SPIN and Claim key is not working anymore

    I get to an error page saying:

    "Oops! We can't find the page you're looking for."
  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    Check the web page for the model itself. Is it a different SPIN or different key?
    I think the issue may be that the site displays the SPIN for the PRODUCT instead of the SPIN for the model.

    We may have issues until the API is updated to let us see Product SPINs.
  3. I am not sure I understand...
    when I go to the model page from my account I see only the model id in the url
    this model is private
  4. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    "claimKey" is the wrong field to use out of the API

    You should use publicProductURL or "/product/"+spin+"/key="+secretKey

    I've just tested an old model of mine.. it's working fine.
    I don't have any private items from the last week or so.. might be something recently broken.
  5. I have been using "/product/"+spin+"/key="+claimKey on private models for several months already and it worked fine until today.

    ( using the secretKey instead of the claimKey didn't help )

    This is taken from your documentation page about claimKey:

    claimKey - The claim key is used to allow ANY user to claim a model into their own account.
    The claim function should be used when your app is generating models using your own permanent access tokens.
    To enable a user to claim a model, send them to the product page url with query parameter ?key=[key].
    If the model is not "claimable" this key will be blank. Once a model is set to claimable, it cannot be set to public or for-sale.
  6. As Stony suggested, this is an issue that just popped up, caused by an update to the way we handle products and SPIN's. We're currently looking into a fix. Apologies for the inconvenience.