Feature Requests

Discussion in 'Shapeways API' started by fbac3b6, Sep 8, 2016.

  1. fbac3b6
    fbac3b6 Member
    Hello Shapeways developers,

    I am currently trying to build an application using the Shapeways API, and there are a few features which I feel are missing in the API, yet exist on the Shapeways website:

    - Can we get and set product variants through the API?
    - I know we can set a picture for the product, but can we also get the product's pictures?
    - Can we make a call to the API to start a render of an uploaded model, with the ability to select the orientation for the render? This may already be possible but if so I can't find any information about it in the documentation
    - When calling GET /models/v1 can we get all the information associated with each model (links and photos most importantly)?
    - Can we have hooks for when models/products are edited, added or removed from either the API or the Shapeways website?

    That's it for now, I know this may be asking for a lot, so keep in mind these are mostly suggestions. I believe these features would complete into the existing API very well and allow developers to do much more with it.

  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    GET /models/v1 gives you a list of models, and then you need to call GET /models/{modelId}/v1 for each one.

    The second call gives you the links, etc associated with that model. Unfortunately, it does not include any of the pictures, so that's a reasonable request. What I do is obtain the publicProductUrl from above and then read/parse the html to get the picture urls.

    - I've been told that setting up variants thru the API is several months down the road yet... "It's complicated"
    - I would NOT expect to get hooks that affect/interrupt the flow of the public website.

    - I would like to request that GET /models/{modelId}/v1 would include the UploadDate or better yet the history of uploads for each model.
    - As mentioned elsewhere, I'd like for GET /models/v1 to include the SPIN and ModelId for each pair of models/variants.