Failed To Upload Zip File "model Upload Failed. (reason: 100)"

Discussion in 'Shapeways API' started by mixeddimensions, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. I'm trying to upload zip file through API, the zip file contains a model with texture ( result.obj, result.obj.mtl, 0.png )
    but I got this response
    {"result":"failure","reason":"Model Upload Failed. (Reason: 100)"}' }

    any help ?
  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    This may not be the cause of this failure (though it could be, due to the presence of the unrecognized obj.mtl file), but OBJ with texture will not work - you need to use DAE, WRL or X3D format for color or texture
  3. 1064125_deleted
    1064125_deleted Shapeways Employee Product Team
    @mixeddimensions sorry for late (super late) response, but I believe you need to base64 encode the .zip file so that it's JSON compatible.
  4. awongh
    awongh Member
    If anyone finds this useful:

    If this is an upload with the ruby gem lib, I found that reason: 100 is a farraday http lib error- because the JSON error response that's returned from the API in unparsable.

    Made a github issue here: