Road To Major Fud Improvements Starts With Repricing

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Andrewsimonthomas, May 9, 2017.

  1. taz_of_boyds
    taz_of_boyds Active Member
    Radial, Thanks.


    Thanks for the radial arrangement.

    And Others,

    Also here is the right-side down roof render after a turn:

    Figure 1 - Ceiling Joists up!​

    All the best,
    Charles Sloane
  2. PenistoneRailwayWorks
    PenistoneRailwayWorks Well-Known Member
    Don't forget though that even with these tricks they don't guarantee print orientation, as we've been told that until the tool is available the parts will be orientated to reduce cost but that the engineer will be free to change the orientation,

  3. taz_of_boyds
    taz_of_boyds Active Member
    Roll-out Should Have Been Better

    Well, that throws a monkey in the wrench....

    It would have been nice to have a little time to prepare for the change in pricing and have a test system to work with for a month?? Maybe I did not get get notice because I have not opened my store yet. If I had opened my store and this was sprung on me like this it would really hurt!!

    The first problem I had was not trying to get things face up (a new capability anyway), but dealing with a big price increase for my four part small N Scale station; in old print form just 2.043 x / 2.298 y / 1.946 z inches of space. The print price went from $35.65 to $44.87. Looking at the cost break down, the new price was 46.2% machine space. This is because of the empty space above three parts that are short but now all the space above them counts based on the tallest part.

    Figure 1 - The First Shock When the New Pricing Found Me​

    Figure 1 is my already expensive $36 station becoming a $45 station, ouch!!! Then it took some time to understand what was happening, and I found out that if I load each part as a separate model (+ $2.50 each) I could lower the price to about $34. But anyway, I am still fixing the model, much more painful that adding handles and flags. The idea of setting the model up-side during printing and the potential for lower prices is nice. But it requires learning new arrangements of models and their parts.

    I believe, perhaps, it would have been nice to have a month on a test system to adjust the model drawing arrangements to make best use of the pricing. This would also be to Shapeways advantage, since rearranged models make better use of the printer resources.

    As it was it has been a terrible shock!!

    The future awaits us....
    Charles Sloane
  4. HOLDEN8702
    HOLDEN8702 Well-Known Member
    taz_of_boyds likes this.
  5. he6agon
    he6agon Well-Known Member
    Just getting caught up here...

    I've seen a reduction in price of several of my models, which takes them from curiosities to viable products in many cases. So that's good news.

    But the default orientation of some parts I've just recently designed is not working for me. Yes, it's the old bathtub vs. inverted bathtub orientation issue, so I knew going in I'd probably have to tweak the model to get it to print the way I want. I'm caught between waiting for the orientation tool to become available and just redesigning the part to get to print correctly.

    What I find irritating about this is the fact that what are obviously detailed surfaces to anyone looking at the model are covered in support material and will print with poor detail and surface irregularities is an immutable fact of nature that seems never to be accommodated. I'm happy to pay extra for the detail. Just give me the tools to make that decision or get technicians who can recognize a detailed model surface vs. an undetailed reverse surface.
    sbhunterca likes this.
  6. patmat2350
    patmat2350 Well-Known Member
    Need any stories of irate customers, who bought high and now the item is low?

    I have a large item in Frosted Detail, which was repriced from $313 to $247, wow!
    But I also have an irate customer who bought at $313 and now sees the new price...all I could do was suggest an email to
    taz_of_boyds likes this.
  7. barkingdigger
    barkingdigger Well-Known Member
    Indeed - but I prefer when it isn't down a dark alley, clutching a baseball bat...
    taz_of_boyds likes this.
  8. taz_of_boyds
    taz_of_boyds Active Member
    Short and Tall Parts Don't Mix Well


    I looked at your models just a bit and found a caboose, so I did a little experiment of my own, just a couple images for now, more later. The way I have this model drawn, when printed the right way, has the same problem my Hay Street Station originally had. More later.

    Figure 1 - Maybe this Could be a Color Your Own Details Train​

    Figure 2 - The Parts: Walls, Roofs and Cupola Walls​

    Figure 3 - Walls and Roofs Right Side Up​

    Print the short walls and roofs with the tall cupola walls causes a lot of pay-for empty space above the walls etc. Almost half the cost of the model printed this way is machine space.

    More later,
    Charles Sloane
  9. taz_of_boyds
    taz_of_boyds Active Member
    PS, The Cost Vs. Maximum Model Height Charted Out

    If I got it right this is what the cost of our models look like based on the maximum height.

    Figure 1 - Did I get it Right? The Blue Line is what Space Costs​

    All the best,
    Charles Sloane
  10. patmat2350
    patmat2350 Well-Known Member
    OK, a question on support material:

    I laid out the part below fairly low and flat, and the expected orientation was chosen by Shapeways. I saw that I still have a lot of support material. Finding that I could visualize the part and footprint without the support material, I did so... and see that the lowest part of my model is still floating above the build plane by a good bit.

    Why? This can add a lot of support material!

    Parts with support wax:


    With footprint, w/o support... part is floating well above the build plane:

    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
  11. taz_of_boyds
    taz_of_boyds Active Member
    The 2.8mm Base Layer Support Wax Material


    I believe that is the 2.8mm base layer the printer applies for everything it prints. I don't believe I have seen the technical purpose for that posted. Perhaps one of the Shapeways guys can give us the technical details (I am an Electrical Engineer I like technical details...).

    All the best,
    Charles Sloane
  12. Keystone_Details
    Keystone_Details Well-Known Member
    Much earlier in the thread, it was explained that the base support is a recommended practice from the Machine manufacturer the Shapeways employs. It was not mentioned however if Shapeways has experimented in reducing this base layer without print quality issues.
  13. MitchellJetten
    MitchellJetten Shapeways Employee CS Team
    It's actually something we can't change at all.

    The only one that would be able to experiment with this would be 3DSystems (and then update their printer firmware to reflect this)
    The software and machine settings don't allow us to make any changes and try for example to bring it down to 2mm ;)
  14. Keystone_Details
    Keystone_Details Well-Known Member
    Ahh, thanks. It was not clear that this was embedded in the printing software.
    MitchellJetten likes this.
  15. barkingdigger
    barkingdigger Well-Known Member
    @Patmat, your handwheels have a shaft coming out the bottom. If you could move this shaft to whatever the wheels attach to, and just have a socket on the back of the wheel, you could reduce their height and support material. The new pricing model is definitely driving us towards the multi-part "plastic model" school of thought...
    taz_of_boyds and BoMonroe like this.
  16. Derek66
    Derek66 Active Member
    @AlanHudson, This is so difficult to believe Alan, or understand! EVERYTHING affecting price will be visited multiple time as a designer finalizes a design. I am DESPERATE for the orientation tool BUT BEFORE THAT how about speeding up the support material visualization - it times out for most of my models before I even see anything! When can I expect to see an improvement?
  17. HOLDEN8702
    HOLDEN8702 Well-Known Member
    Another frosted ultra "detail" parts set that a good Customer received with rough surfaced parts.

    Suposedly, the parts were rightly oriented as in the preview, but half of them were clearly wrong oriented.

    Shapeways will refund or reprint these at his own cost AGAIN.

    This isn't a good reason to FINALLY MAKE THE THINGS RIGHT?

    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  18. MitchellJetten
    MitchellJetten Shapeways Employee CS Team
    Mentioned by Henrik on the previous page:

  19. Keystone_Details
    Keystone_Details Well-Known Member
  20. PenistoneRailwayWorks
    PenistoneRailwayWorks Well-Known Member
    If I recall correctly, it was mentioned earlier that at most three parts are shown in the support material view. I guess this is for speed. Also I don't think it matters much as my understanding was orientation is set for the entire file in one go, so as long as you know the orientation of one part you know the orientation of the others, although I agree it would be useful to see them all,

    taz_of_boyds likes this.