Shapeways Order / Checkout Api With External Website - Any Developers For Hire?

Discussion in 'Shapeways API' started by 854573_deleted, Sep 6, 2016.

  1. Hi there, would a developer be able to help me figure out how to integrate the Shapeways API with my website.

    I would like that when a customer would visit my site, they can place the order and the customer wouldn't have to be redirected to Shapeways.
    My company would use shape ways for payment processing etc and then ship direct to the customer, to make it a ver ysimple process and experience for my customers.


    Or if there is no way for us to submit shipping address via the API, could I ask a developer to code some kind of notification that whenever our customer places an order on our website, our application shoots out an email or something to let us know we have to manually log into Shapeways website and manually enter the address for the orders placed.

    Would love to know what already exists to date on this issues? If anyone here is interested in helping me develop a working automated pipeline, please send me a quote and a time frame. I would really appreciate your help.

    Also, if anyone has any information or advice on all this, I would so appreciate that also!

  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member