This year at Dutch Design Week Shapeways is presenting ‘Your 3D Printed Home’ with the booth set up like an apartment filled with useful 3D Printed products.

Stand overview Shapeways at Dutch Design Week 2012

From the 3D Printed Tables and chair, to an entire cutlery set and ceramic plate, the clock on the wall and the vase full of flowers, the lamps and the art on the walls, an entire chess set, sculptures and jewelry.  From decorative to functional, more and more we can 3D Print the things that we need, want and cherish with Shapeways 3D Printing.

Stand overview Shapeways at Dutch Design Week 2012

Stand overview Shapeways at Dutch Design Week 2012

Stand overview Shapeways at Dutch Design Week 2012

Stand overview Shapeways at Dutch Design Week 2012

Images thanks to Virtox on Flickr