The Shapeways Blog has always been a place to celebrate our community. And, as our community has grown, it’s outgrown its original blog format. Your work has become so varied, your designs and your projects so compelling, that we felt they deserved a better publishing platform — a place where we could elevate your stories, and join them with the bigger story of 3D printing innovation. So, with input from dozens of Shapies, and in response to the work of thousands of community members, we conceived of Shapeways Magazine.

The new Shapeways Magazine is a place to find exactly what interests you, and deepen your knowledge of your craft. It’s a place to connect with the designers and stories that matter most to you as a scale modeler, jewelry designer, RC car builder, artist, or engineer. We’ll also be covering major developments in the 3D printing industry. This technology continues to change the world every day, and we’re so proud to keep building the bridge between cutting-edge industrial 3D printing tech and individual makers and shoppers.

So, subscribe, poke around, comment, and let us know if you have suggestions, concerns, or great topics you’d like to see us cover. Shapeways Magazine is still a work in progress, so we’ll be refining it with your suggestions. We look forward to bringing more of your inspiring work to light. After all, we’re writing the story of the future of 3D printing together.