Last weekend we went live with a major release, rebuilding the whole architecture of our site and creating the tools to make Shapeways even more awesome. 
The whole team has worked really hard to transition and we want to thank you for your patience with us! Though you might experience a few hiccups this week, long term things will be a lot faster. We’ve squashed a few bugs and our teams are testing around the clock, which means that the final releases will be perfect before we get them to you.
The most important things are running smoothly: uploading, ordering and getting your orders produced and shipped to you. You may also have noticed some immediate improvements: the site is faster and we have introduced store credits.
Several persistent bugs remain that prevent us from processing rejections without flaw, letting you upload co-creator products, and for shop owners, providing visibility into your sales. 

Our superhuman teams are working to ensure that everything is up and running as quickly as possible, and we will update you as soon as we have more good news to share!

14 days….14 hours sleep. Josh, Jenny and Christian are on their way home from Eindhoven!