We know finding the perfect gift for mom isn’t always easy, so we’ve curated a list of unique gift ideas for you! Because every mom deserves a gift as special as she is.

Personalized Pendants


If your mom has been hanging your drawings on the fridge since you could pick up a crayon, we bet she’ll love a personalized pendant created by you. You can make one using our pendant creator app. Check out the video below to see how.

Portraits in Porcelain

Have a photo you’re looking to memorialize in a special way? You can upload the photo and have it 3D printed in our Porcelain Ceramic with our celadon-selfie creator. These make for perfect, long-lasting and unique gifts for Mom.

Prefer to get her something one-of-a-kind designed by our creative community based around the world? Take a look at our Mothers Day Gift Guide or check outa few of our favorite unique gifts for mom.

Have you made something special that you’d like to share with us? Show us your work by tagging us on Instagram or Twitter with #3DMothersDay or post it to our Facebook page.