While Z Corporation and Congressman John Tierney announced a new education program entitled  EngineeringZONE™
aimed at tackling the U.S. skills crisis, Melba Kurman and Hod Lipson are also
working to inspire the next generation of inventors through 3D printing. Just as the ‘Maker Movement’ is motivating more people to start making their ideas a reality with 3D printing, this same sense of empowerment is being channeled by educators to inspire students to engage in their studies, especially in relation to the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) focus of the U.S. government.

Shapeways is working towards making it easier for educators to integrate 3D printing into their learning curriculum by helping them to understand and communicate 3D modeling, 3D printing, the materials, processes and potential.

If you are an educator or student interested in being involved in our 3D Printing Educational Program please sign up to keep up to date with developments. It does not matter if you have no prior experience or are an expert in the
field, we want to work together to inspire, educate and empower students with 3D

Image by brum d