Since attending AdeptiCon, Andrew and I have become familiar with a lot of miniatures painters doing incredible things with Shapeways prints (and beyond). One of the conversations we’ve noticed recently in the community is around which materials are best for miniatures. While we’ve generally suggested our Frosted Detail (FUD) Plastic or our Black High Definition Acrylate, we know that there’s sometimes confusion when miniatures are also offered for sale in White Strong & Flexible (WSF).

Metalhead Mini’s Lyn posted the above YouTube video on choosing which material to order your miniatures in after having accidentally ordering them in WSF and being disappointed in the lack of detail on the print. We’re especially grateful she’s shared her experience in this video because she compares the various prints throughout. The gorgeous miniatures featured in the video are from the ManaWorldComics shop on Shapeways. Lyn’s experience has also inspired us to do a WSF x FUD x Black High Definition Acrylate miniatures-showdown on the Magazine soon! So keep an eye out for that in the near future.

And, if you’re looking for tips on how to paint FUD, check out this blog post!