There’s nothing that makes us prouder than seeing designers using Shapeways to accomplish incredible things. Our very own 3D printing engineer by day and jewelry designer/cyber mystic by night, Yung_Crowley (AKA Wynn Mustin) has been working hard on her STONEDALONE collection and has even documented her brand-building and creative process on our blog.

Having been actively involved in giving her feedback throughout the design and prototyping process, we were over the moon when Free People reached out to Yung_Crowley about her jewelry line. As a result, the Cassiopeia Ring and Binah Earcuff are looking super fly on Free People’s marketplace! It’s awesome to see STONEDALONE’s products being shouted out as being 3D printed because it’s a huge victory for the makers and hobbyists using 3D design as a tool for their craftsmanship and artistry. “The most exciting part is that 3D design and the quality of Shapeways 3D printed metals allowed me to evolve from a fledgling artist with no previous metalworking experience to becoming a competitive jewelry designer with a well-rounded line that garnered attention from the trendsetters at Free People,” Yung_Crowley told us.

“…Shapeways 3D printed metals allowed me to evolve from a fledgling artist with no previous metalworking experience to becoming a competitive jewelry designer….”

When I asked how it felt for her to see her designs on the site, she said, “it’s very surreal to see my stuff on Free People because I turn to that website so much for inspiration, and I look up to a lot of the designers they carry.”

ear cuff earcuff gold dangling long

So, ladies and gentleman, head on over and check out Free People-approved designer Yung_Crowley! 😀