scale model furniture

Someday scientists will truly understand what it is about elegant objects at a tiny scale that makes us so happy. Until that mystery is solved let’s just enjoy this beautiful set of 1:48 scale furniture, hand-selected to perfectly decorate your 1:48 scale living room in time for that 1:48 scale cocktail party you’ve been planning.

Let’s stage the room with this incredible set of Queen Anne furniture. Imagine they’re wedding gifts from your rich 1:48th scale aunt.

There is no better way to entertain your 1:48th scale party guests than to serenade them on this beautiful grand piano.

Of course you can’t set your 1:48th scale old fashioned cocktail on that antique piano, so you’ll need this nice little stand to put it on while you perform.

Finally, while you play you can sit your little 1:48th scale tail on this matching piano bench. Bravo! Bravo!

Ready to keep fleshing out your 1:48th scale world? Explore our miniature marketplace.