Over the weekend, we attended Genericon XXX, hosted by students at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, for 48 hours straight of cosplay, anime, sci-fi and gaming. It was an amazing weekend. Just a few of the highlights were:

Our crew!

Left to right, me, Dhemerae and Sarah of TheLaserGirls (decked out in 3D printed cosplay), and Ian of Nvenom8 Designs.

Genericon, Cosplay

The vender area of the con — so much cool merch and swag!

Our panel discussion on 3D printing was on the Main Events Stage, so exciting!

Sarah tells the audience why she likes ZBrush during our panel on 3D printing:

Over the weekend, TheLaserGirls also took over the Shapeways Instagram account and took  #Genericon by storm:

Admins by day, superheroes by night🔥💪🤜👊☄️🏋️🖖🤘@shapeways #3dprinting #cosplay #genericon #golaser

A post shared by Sarah C Awad and Dhemerae Ford (@thelasergirls) on


Taking a break to do some old-school roleplaying with Pathfinders. Here, our party is about to get ambushed by a Giant Scorpion.

We had a great time playing games, checking out the cosplay, and talking about 3D printing!