Gen Con is the Super Bowl of tabletop gaming, and Shapeways was there this year to show of the work of our incredible community of 3D artists. For four days, over 70,000 gamers and hobbyists came to Indianapolis to play old games and discover new ones. Here are some memorable people and moments from the show.

Chuck Stover of Made by Wombat Joined the Shapeways Team to share his incredible collection of metal dice and other cool gaming products:

games dice wargaming tabletop gaming gamers cosplay gen con

Ian Dwyer of Nvenom8 brought his cool, artistic dice as well, and showed attendees how you can transform any plastic die into a cool metal one, with a little paint and elbow grease:

games dice wargaming tabletop gaming gamers cosplay gen con

Trent Troop of Prize Inside showed the Gen Con world his awesome transforming toys and conversion bits:

games dice wargaming tabletop gaming gamers cosplay gen con

Professional painting guru James Wappel has featured our products before, and took a moment to show us his favorite 3D printed tank while he demoed at the Badger Airbrush booth:

games dice wargaming tabletop gaming gamers cosplay gen con

When Lyn Stahl of Metalhead Minis wasn’t running classes in the Miniature Hobby Events area, she was demoing her awesome techniques near the Shapeways Booth:

games dice wargaming tabletop gaming gamers cosplay gen con

We met a lot of friends at Gen Con, and even had the chance to take this fun group picture with Atom Smasher of Tabletop Minions:

games dice wargaming tabletop gaming gamers cosplay gen con

Shapeways brought some of our favorite miniatures over to give to folks at the Paint N’ Take booth, and we saw some amazing work! Below is a mini by CybranKnight of Metal Core Collectibles:

And another from Hero Forge:

games dice wargaming tabletop gaming gamers cosplay gen con

Nearby, some incredible artwork was on display. Check out this yummy sushi mini:

Of course, cosplay was out in full force during Gen Con. Here’s a group of intimidating sci-fiĀ soldiers:

You could hear this adventuring party coming from a mile away thanks to the clanking sound of his full suit of real metal armor:

Of course, the heart of Gen Con is games. Here, folks are playing Open Legend RPG with Shapeways-printed miniatures!

The exhibition hall was incredibly spacious, so there’s almost too much to talk about. I’ll leave you with these two gifsĀ and no context.










For more of Shapeways at Gen Con, check out our coverage on Beasts of War, Nerdarchy and Facebook. And, our next stop is the NOVA Open, so come say hi next weekend!