Seeing a product you designed in the press is an amazing feeling. It validates all the hard work that goes into making your product, while giving more people an opportunity to discover and ultimately purchase! Products on Shapeways are special because they cover a range of industries and genres. From tech gadgets on tech blogs, to sculptures featured in design outlets, there’s plenty of room for PR!

The products featured below were noticed for various reasons. Whether it was because it fit within a pop culture moment or just showcased amazing design, these products caught a reporter’s eye and inspired them to write. Always keep in mind that beautiful photos, design stories and customer engagement will help to make your products stand out across the board.

Tardigrade (Water Bear)

The water Tardigrade from Raw Legends Collaborations was featured in 3D Printing Industry after “it became a bit of a minor 3D printing viral sensation, making it onto the editor at Popular Science’s Twitter feed and countless science blogs.” Read More


Ittyblox was written about in CityLab for all the model fans. “At least some pieces, like the 1:1000-scale Guggenheim Museum and Tudor City building, are based on real-life structures. And all are cut with fantastic detail.”  Read More

Blooming Zoetrope Sculptures

For products that require a video, a few 1-2 minutes can go a long way. Dezeen Magazine wrote a piece on designer John Edmark‘s incredible Blooming Zoetrope Sculptures. Read More

Left Shark

Before the law got in the way, Left Shark was featured as a new meme in various outlets including The Star. “A surprising MVP emerged from Sunday’s Super Bowl — or, more appropriately, MVM — and now you can get your very own 3D-printed “Left Shark” mascot.” Read More

Steampunk Themed Accessories

Steampunk has a lot of fans, and included multiple Shapeways products in their roundup of designs. “Steampunk machines, devices, etc., usually consist of a lot of gears and analogue mechanisms. Today you see all sorts of unique designs, such as steampunk jewelry, clocks, clothing, and just about anything else that you can think of. 3D printing is a technology which has taken things to the next level, as designers can now fabricate their own unique, extremely complicated, steampunk creations.” Read More

Chopstick Holders & Crayon Creatures

Quartz featured Chopstick Holders and several of Bernat Cuni’s products in their story on “some of the coolest and most interesting things you can 3D-print right now.” Read More

Wave Cable Holder


Urbano Rodriguez’s Wave Cable Holder was included in a roundup of tech accessories perfect for the office in the March issue of Marie Claire, on newsstands now.


If you’re looking to get your products noticed, social media is a great place to start. While it doesn’t quite feel like “press,” all platforms are a space to share, and make it more likely for reporters to find your product and write about it. Shapeways social media guru, Eric Ho has given some great tips of how to get your products in the right platforms.

As always, don’t forget to post your products in our “Feature This!” forum. Our PR team loves to check out what’s new, and will reach out if there is a fit for a story we are working on!