What do you do with a container of printing material whose expiry date has passed? You print  a giant monkey! Our printer guys had a blast with this one.

They wrote:

Cornelius has grown to massive proportions (+/- 20cm!!!) and we poured his feet in pedestal of concrete to prevent him from running away 😉 Specs: Objet Eden 500V/VeroBlue/HQ

(VeroBlue is one of the new materials that we’re considering – we still need your vote on which one to choose!)

Here’s another pic of Cornelius on the shoulder of Aart to get a good feeling for it’s size – also check out the “The Statue Of Liberty” en “The Empire State Building” prints in the background!

This sucker is *heavy* – they didn’t even try to save on material by hollowing it out… Remember: do not try this at home. It’ll blast a serious hole in your pocketmoney 😉