Shapeways means so much more to our community of makers than just a factory for producing things and a store for selling them. We’ve seen many of you share not only your work, but also your excitement and belief in the power of 3D printing. Most movingly, we’ve seen your pride in what 3D printing has unlocked for you.

Some of you have become informal evangelists for us online, writing tutorials to pass along your knowledge, posting to social media, and referring friends to us. Others talk about Shapeways at markets, conferences, and wherever you gather with others passionate about model trains, home decoration, or whatever it is you make. Shapeways has built a vibrant Meetup group in New York, where are our corporate headquarters are, but community members have organized gatherings of local Shapeways makers from Chicago to the Netherlands to Singapore.

In light of all of your activity, Shapeways is putting together something we’re calling Shapeways Collective, an effort to recognize and empower you to build the community and share the joy of making. We’ve got a few preliminary ideas about how the Collective will operate and what tools we might provide, but before going any further, we’d like to know more about what’s happening in your world, and what you most value.

So, tell us what you’ve been up to and how we can provide support. You can also drop us a note here.

We are looking forward to making the Shapeways Collective a powerful way to expand your 3D horizons, and to meet others who are doing the same.