Designers For Hire can really take your holiday gifting ideas to the next lever. We have an incredible community of talented designers waiting to work with you on creating special gifts for your game- and tech-loving family friends this holiday season. Below are some project ideas and how to connect with designers who can help you realize these 3D printed projects.

The Miniature or Scale Model Enthusiast

Work with a designer to copy your model train-loving loved one’s home or other meaningful building at scale. It’s a unique way to include a bit of the real with the miniature.

Helpful hint: be sure to find out in what scale their model setup is made. Here’s a guide to the different sizes and their names
Designer search terms: Miniatures, Architecture

The Gadget Enthusiast

You could go a step further in personalizing that iPhone case and cord keeper and work with a designer to create a one-of-a-kind motif for all their accessories.

Helpful hint: be sure to find out what type of smartphone they have. Once you know it’s easy to find the gadget specifications, specs for short, with a quick search. Here’s one resource that lists popular phones.
Designer search terms: Product Design, Tech

The Table-Top Gamer

And finally an idea for the avid gift giver (this gift idea is quite a project) for the avid gamer, a 3D scanned scale chess set. Of course you’ll need their participation but the experience is part of the gift! You can do low resolution scans yourself with software like 123D Catch or work with a designer to modify existing human models with photographs of yourself and others.

Designer search terms: Scanning

image by reddit user pancuco

Whatever your friends and family are into there’s an idea out there that a Designer For Hire can work on with you to create a truly one-of-a-kind and memorable holiday gift.

Check out all of our talented Designers For Hire here