Custom holiday gifts from independent designers were once expensive and hard to create. But this holiday season at Shapeways, we have thousands of fun and affordable ways for you to Say You Made It. Enabling you to craft one-of-a-kind personalized gifts that hold special meaning for your loved ones. From our Easy Creator apps to the thousands of customizable objects offered by our community — including personalized ceramics pieces — making extraordinary gifts for all your friends and family has never been this easy.

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Create a Christmas heirloom with the easy Ornament Creator

Does your mom still save the macaroni art you made for her in fourth grade? That’s because even a simple custom gift can have a huge impact. Thankfully, it could not be simpler to use one of our Easy Creator apps to design your own personalized pieces. Use the Ornament Creator to make a holiday heirloom, the adorable Cookie Caster to design cookie cutters for loved ones who love to bake, or Crayon Creatures to magically bring your kids’ 2D art to life.

Crayon Creatures turn kids' crayon art into 3D creatures

Crayon Creatures turn kids’ crayon art into 3D creatures

If you don’t want to make an entire custom object, you can use the Customizable option in our SHOP section, or marketplace. Here, you’ll find products that allow you to add your own messages to pieces already for sale. You can find customizable products by clicking the “Customizable” box on the left-hand side of any page in our marketplace. Underneath the box, you can also select the type of material you would like to customize.

Sometimes, the best gifts are the ones that help preserve a precious photo memory. Your mom’s favorite snapshot of you. Or the double selfie from that amazing day you spent at the ball game with your dad. What if you could turn these images into durable 3D mementos? Luckily, one of the most amazing things that you can do with Shapeways — that you cannot do anywhere else — is to create Celadon Selfies. In this store, you can select any number of lovely tiles, mugs, or ornaments to which you can apply your own image (or one of your sister, mom, dad, or pets!).

Celadon Selfies help preserve special photo memories forever

Celadon Selfies help preserve special photo memories forever

Time spent with family and friends is the most important part of our lives. What could be better than using Shapeways to create mementos of your favorite moments, and custom gifts that hold special meaning for you and your loved ones? We’re happy to offer so many unique ways to show your love this holiday season. What’s your best custom gift of all time? Let us know in the comments, and make sure to check out our Holiday Gift Guide for gifting inspiration for all the beloved people on your list.