It’s said that the most unique gift is one you’ve created yourself, and we wholeheartedly agree. Unfortunately, 3D modeling isn’t a skill that’s instantly acquired, and often takes time to build prowess to create the idea that’s lingering inside your head.

Slack for iOS Upload

And that’s why we’ve created the 3D Pendant Creator. This tool lets you take a 2D drawing and turn it into a jewel to go around your favorite person’s neck.

Here’s how it works:

First off, you’ll need a drawing. Begin by sketching out that pendant you’ve been itching to give to that special someone. Black lines on white paper works best.


After you’ve finished sketching, outline the design with a dark pen or marker for best results. These will be the tallest parts in the pendant (think borders, or accents).


Here’s where it gets really cool. Shade in parts that you want “lower” than the dark lines, keeping in mind that the darker shades will be taller than lighter shades when put into pendant form.


After you’re happy with the product, take a picture with a smartphone or camera.


Head on over to, and upload the design. Your model will render and process.

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On this page, you have a few sliders you can play with to customize your pendant.

Size will adjust the overall sizing.
Thickness determines how thick you select the pendant to be.
Backing adds a square or rectangular backing to the pendant. This can be useful if you’re uploading a larger design or photograph.
Flat or Mirrored Back chooses whether the back is the same as the front, or flat.
Softness of Detail adjust the rough corners and features, to smooth them out a little bit.

Once you’re decided on that sweet pendant of yours, add a loop to the pendant to allow it to be put on a chain or necklace by clicking directly on the pendant where you want a loop to appear.


Diameter of Loop adjusts the overall size, while Thickness of Loop adjusts the amount of space on the inside of the loop. Pie Slice or Half Circle change the type of loop from a X to Y axis.

After you’re totally satisfied, click Create My Pendant, and your pendant will process to allow you to choose the material you want it to be printed in (metal is the coolest!). Select the metal, add to cart, and you’re set!


We know you’re creating some seriously awesome pendants, so once you receive them, tag us on social media @Shapeways with the hashtag #Shap3dByMe.

Follow Seth on Shapeways here