Bilal from Miniature Den is with us in Eindhoven for Dutch Design Week. We asked him why he got into 3D printing heroes from Dota® 2:

“Defense of the Ancients® 2 is a very popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game with a huge competitive following.

Players can become one of hundreds of heroes with extremely defined rules for each team.

By creating physical versions of their favorite heroes, players can take their love for their favorite character into the real world.”

– Bilal Khan of Miniature Den

Dota® 2 Kardel Sharpeye the Sniper by Miniature Den

Bilal will be showing off his 3D printed Dota® 2 Kardel Sharpeye the Sniper at Shapeways EXPO at Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Check it out if you’re in town, and get your sniper here. Want to make your own Dota® 2 merch? Find out how here.