This week we are highlighting the lovely Silvia Nencini and her shop, Coraline Jewels. Her love of the sea inspired a beautiful line of jewelry that mimics the look and feel of coral without harming the environment. Beyond that, the designs are auto-generated via computer program, beautifully combining new technology with nature.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? Where are you located?
Hello! My name is Silvia and I am a designer from Pisa, Italy. I have just completed my BA Degree in Architecture from IPSIA Institute in Florence, Italy. I worked in the architecture field for 3 years and I specialized in Product Design with a Master’s Degree.


What’s the story behind your designs? What inspires you?
Behind this project lies my love for the sea, close to where I live. I especially care about the ecological issues, the need to find an alternative to jewelry made of corals, which are currently endangered. We just can’t shut our eyes before nature while it tries to keep up with our absurd demands. What I also find interesting is that the texture of this jewelry replicates the texture of living organisms. This is why the connection between the two of them is pretty strong.


What brought you to 3D printing with Shapeways?
I found out about Shapeways website thanks to Professor Troy Natchtigall and his interesting lessons. I read up on others print services but I reckoned the service from Shapeways was without any doubt the most complete because it follows the designer all the way through his or her project.

How did you learn how to design in 3D?
Learnt? I think I still haven’t learnt how to do it! Anyway, I keep on learning thanks to my friends, teachers at university and how-to videos on the Internet. Most of all, I learn from my mistakes! 🙂


How do you promote your work?
I have been promoting my products in many ways. One useful way was getting in touch with some fashion bloggers, who wrote about my jewelry in their articles. Another effective advertisement was the constant promotion on popular social networks.

Who are your favorite designers or artists? Who in the Shapeways community has served as an inspiration to you?
Nervous System has been a great inspiration to me. Their design is always innovative and their constant research reflects in their products.

If you weren’t limited by current technologies, what would you want to make using 3D printing?
I’m an architect, so I would definitely say a house! 🙂 Being able to print a house would be a dream to me. I know there are printers that can already do this but they just can’t compare to printers for small products… Not yet!


Anything else you want to share?
I would like to say thank you to everyone that followed me during the realization of my project, especially professors T. Natchtigall, S. M. Bettega and M. Pinucci.


  • Fun, interesting photography
  • Product consistency – can tell designs are from the same brand
  • Beautiful branding & shop
  • Social links in profile


Thank you, Silvia! Your shop reminds us of summer and warmth, and we’ll take all we can get in the middle of winter! Don’t miss out on updates from Silvia via her blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. To be featured, email aimee @!