This week we’ll be chatting with Peter Boldsen, Danish designer and designer of shop Boldsen. Peter designs beautiful porcelain candle holders, which make the perfect at home accessories or decor for a wedding.

Peter Boldsen2

Tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? Where are you located?

I am a Danish Industrial Designer. My educational background is Architectural Technology and Construction and Industrial Designer.

I have been working at a patent agency and an architectural firm, but the past 17 years, I have been working in my own design studio. At Boldsen Industrial Design I do product design work for clients. I primary make housings for various electronics, hand tools, furniture, renewable energy, solar thermal, photovoltaics, electronics prototypes, garden equipment and garden tools.

I also design my own products and recently I have opened a shop on Shapeways.

What’s the story behind your designs? What inspires you?

Last year I was designing a series of lanterns in sheet metal. About the same time, I discovered that it was possible to 3D print in Porcelain. This inspired me to redesign some of my sheet metal lanterns, so that they could be 3D printed in Porcelain.

Early on, I decided to focus on a specific niche. A series of Porcelain Tea Light, Candle Lights Holders and Lanterns!

One idea led the next, so during the winter I made over 40 designs, which continuously have been 3D printed and tested. Many of the designs are already on my shop and more will follow soon.

I also selected 8 of the products and presented them for a very successful company in Denmark. They liked the designs and the fact that I had some very nice and functional “prototypes”. It was easy for them to evaluate the design.

Compared to the other things I usually work with, it is not that technical to design in Porcelain and the rules are fairly simple. Actually, when I play with my kits on the beach, I sometimes make sand prototypes of my design ideas.

If you can build it with wet sand, your hands and a knife. Shapeways can make it for you!

What brought you to 3D printing with Shapeways?

I have a CNC milling machine and a Form 2 Resin Laser 3D printer, which is fabricating very nice prototypes in plastics. But products are often made of many other materials than plastic. After my customers have approved my 3D drawings and 3D print in plastic, I like to offer them, to have the design 3D printed in the in the correct materials.

But what really excite me about using Shapeways, is the possibility of selling products directly to the consumer and be totally independent of manufacturers and sales through conventional shops!

How did you learn how to design in 3D?

I started using 3D software back in 1996, during my education as an Industrial Designer. At that time most people I knew of, where using 2D software like AutoCad. I gathered a small groupe of students who were Mac enthusiasts. Together we developed into 3D cad specialists. Technical, were way ahead. Right after we graduated as Industrial Designers, we continued working together, making design and 3D work for clients.

Throughout the years, I have always been curious and constantly been in self-study mode. Right now I primary use Autodesk Fusion 360.

How do you promote your work?

I don’t but I should!

Who are your favorite designers or artists? Who in the Shapeways community has served as an inspiration to you?

There are many talented designers at Shapeways, but I really like Shops like LucasPlus, that have a clear message.

If you weren’t limited by current technologies, what would you want to make using 3D printing?

Bigger Porcelain prints.

Glass in various colors and textures would be great. This will also fit very well in combination with Ceramic and my candlelight products.

Anything else you want to share?

I think and hope, that the 3D print revolution will empower designers, to have their designs manufactured on their terms and connect directly to the customers.

It is of course essential, that shipping is faster and the prices of 3D prints drops significantly, which of course will happen, it’s just a matter of time.