Today the Shapeways designer spotlight focuses on 3D magician Lincoln Kamm, we take a peek behind the curtain to see what makes this designer, performer, photographer and artist tick… If you are in LA you can also get to know Lincoln a little better at the first Shapeways LA Meetup on Saturday March 3rd 2012 at Marmalade Cafe, 4783 Commons Way Suite E Calabasas, Los Angeles, CA 91302.

Full name:     Lincoln Kamm

Location:    Los Angeles California

Alias:   LincolnK

3D software of choice:   Blender and Zbrush

Links :

How did you learn how to design in 3D?

I taught myself how to use a 3D package (Turbo Silver) on the Amiga in 1989 while going to school (California Institute of the Arts) and studying character animation.  Then I worked for 12 years in the animation industry on video games, movies, TV shows, and theme parks.

How would you describe your creative process?

When doing jewelry, sculpture, and other art work, I tend to start with an idea or an emotion and then sketch out loose ideas. From there I sometimes do one or more tighter illustrations, then I move to a CG package.  For the more functional devices I usually go straight from loose sketch to CG.

What do you do when you’re not designing?

I am a professional entertainer so I spend a lot of time performing and consulting for other entertainers and TV shows. I read a lot of Dharma related philosophy books and meditate.  I am also a published photographer and have my work in a few galleries, so I am often taking pictures as well.

Where do you do your best thinking?


What’s next on the design docket?

More jewelry designs and I’d really love to do some large sculptures as well.

Who are your favorite designers or artists?

Luigi Colani, Donald Roller Wilson,  Ron Mueck, Hieronymus Bosch, Mark Ryden, Shag, Yves Tanguy, and the list goes on and on.

If you weren’t limited by current technologies, what would you want to make using 3D printing?

Vehicles, machines, houses, furniture, housewares, and costumes

Quick hits:

Tech you couldn’t live without: I think “couldn’t live without” is too strong, but would rather not live without computers, internet, and my smart phone.

Favorite material?  Silver

Favorite font?  Bachelor Pad JL

Most prized object?  I like a lot of objects, but I don’t really prizeany one in particular.  (if you mean of the ones I have made on SW,

then the Heart Shaped Rib-Cage is my favorite one so far)

Morning person / night owl?   Total night owl.

Thanks again to Lincoln for taking the time to answer our questions and letting us know a little more about the man behind the designs. Meet him and other LA Shapeways peeps in the flesh at the first LA Shapeways 3D printing meetup this Friday, March 3rd.