This weeks designer spotlight features Jenny Tseitlin. Working with 3D modeling since 2006, Jenny has created a beautiful shop, ranging in different materials and designs. Jewelry and home accessory designs combine geometric shapes with nature to create some very intriguing shapes and unique products.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? Where are you located?
I live between the desert and the sea, biblical area between Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv. I am a designer working and creating in 3D since 2006. Specializing in jewelry, I am also in love with product design; it became a real passion while working on my master’s degree in 2008.


What’s the story behind your designs? What inspires you?
Physical passion – I am always fascinated by nature and human body. The idea of wanting an object takes its roots in basic human needs and desires (e.g. hanger, power, etc.). I am willing to create designs to stimulate unconscious erotic associations in our brain.


What brought you to 3D printing with Shapeways?
In 2011 I have left my position as head jewelry designer at a diamond brand and established my own studio. At the studio I mostly work with High End jewelry factories and diamond dealers on designing exquisite jewelry pieces. In the meantime Shapeways is a place where I can freely experiment with product design, test new forms and shapes and also create an affordable jewelry.

How did you learn how to design in 3D?
Back in 2002 it was like science fiction kind of thing, we had classes of 3d modeling during my Bachelor’s degree studies. Though a real experience came later when working in diamond jewelry industry and creating complicated jewelry models with unique diamond settings, being hundreds of thousands dollars’ and up worth. When you work with such a treasure – an engineering part has to be mastered to perfection.


How do you promote your work?
It is viral mostly; this is how it works in the diamond industry. I admit that I have to take a few steps further now that I have my shop running. Please follow me on Twitter for updates.

Who are your favorite designers or artists? Who in the Shapeways community has served as an inspiration to you?
Speaking of fashion design I love Stella McCartney, Balmain. Unusual mix of fabrics and textures is what inspires me the most in fashion. In Architecture I admire Oscar Niemeyer, Shigeru Ban, Arata Isozaki. On Shapeways I very much like the animal figurines of Dotsan and butterfly collection by Hanyin.


If you weren’t limited by current technologies, what would you want to make using 3D printing?
As I said I am very interested in product design, furniture in particularly. I would like to create dynamic and flexible (creature like) furniture. Imagine a coffee table that comes to you, serves you a drink and at the same time looks like a design masterpiece.


  • Fun, interesting photography
  • Sections for easy shopping
  • Beautiful banner
  • Great shop description
  • Unique selection of products for a variety of customers


Thank you, Jenny! Such a great shop with beautiful designs. Keep up the great work! Don’t forget to follow along on Twitter and check out Jenny’s website. As always, to be featured, email aimee @