Earlier this summer, we wrote about Stopping the Slow Lane, a push back against the FCC’s intent to propose rules that would allow Internet service providers to charge websites to access a “fast lane” and slow down every site that doesn’t pay. Now, we’re almost at the deadline. September 15th is the last day that the FCC will accept public comments before they make their ruling. Shapeways submitted a formal appeal to the FCC, where we outlined how we support an open internet so we can continue to provide a platform where entrepreneurs like our 19,000 shop owners can flourish.
Today is an internet-wide day of action for Net Neutrality. You may have noticed some of your favorite sites have the “please hold, loading” spinning wheel on their homepage – is this the future you want? Neither do we!
Here’s what you can do:
1. Take two minutes to sign the Citizen Petition on Battle for the Net
2. Tweet it out:
I support real #NetNeutrality. Sign the citizen petition www.battleforthenet.com #InternetSlowdown
Startups need real #NetNeutrality to protect the open Internet. Call your Senators today and let them know! www.engine.is/netneutrality #InternetSlowdown
3. Part of a startup? Call your senator and tell them to support real Net Neutrality
Want to learn more?
Check out this great Mashable video explaining the proposed changes, and help keep the internet the open and innovative playground it should be.